Every year about this time, the Kennel Club of England releases its list of "vulnerable breeds". According to the Kennel Club, these are breeds native to England with fewer than 300 dogs of that breed registered annually IN THE UK.
When some people see this list, they grow very concerned the curly-coated retriever will become extinct. There are even breeders who have used this as a plea to buy curly-coated retriever puppies, telling buyers they could be saving a breed from extinction if they buy a puppy.
Never fear: the Curly-coated retriever is exploding in popularity. Any breeder who says the breed is in danger of extinction hasn't done the necessary homework.
Here is the population chart of the curly-coated retriever taken from the curly database. This is the worldwide population, starting in 1930 and ending in 2022. It is impossible to represent a population database to the exact number but this is a pretty good picture. (Thank you to the dedicated, caring, foresighted breeders who started this database.)
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Planet Curly

A place to learn more about Curly Coated Retriever Dogs.
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